

由Mark Danielewski,后现代主义的心理恐怖故事

毒品上瘾的纹身纹身师,约翰尼·斯滕发现了一个关于可能的虚构纪录片的稿件Navidson记录。在其中,Navidson将使他的家人搬迁 - 他,他的妻子和两个幼儿 - 进入郊区的房子,但发现一门通向黑暗走廊的门,从那里,一个震动,黑暗的迷宫隐藏在里面。Navidson试图探索和记录房屋莫名的内部是什么导致的Navidson Records.

在这个迷人的恐怖故事中,透视讲述持续助焊剂的叙述者,它永远不会清楚可以依赖的东西,就像故事所建造的房子的移位墙一样。叶子屋,最初发表于15年前(2000年3月),在您的每个后现代主义写作设备的大量放大版本,曾经过多过量。这XKCD模仿,煎饼屋,是漂亮的现场。It’s highly fragmented, with layers upon layers of metafiction, told by a series of nested unreliable narrators, littered with faux academic discussion and encoded messages, blends a touch of non-fiction, and accented with footnotes (there are always footnotes in these types of books, aren’t there?). Oh and a quick flip through the book will show that the typesetting is far from traditional. An absolute treasure trove for post-modernist literary academics and obsessive over-analyzing types.

我花了很多夜晚蜷缩在一个星巴克的一角阅读这本书,并说实话,我真的,也许不害怕,但肯定是边缘读这本书。在大多数情况下,我将注意力集中在纳米迪森房屋的更加连贯的主要叙述 - 这是一个卑鄙的探索,因为家庭试图衡量,标记或以其他方式停泊他们对迷宫的理解时慢慢地探讨了恐怖和心理恐怖更稳定的条款。我发现在那些换档走廊和蜿蜒的楼梯上很容易迷失。

至于它周围的元件,我让大多数(更多迷失方向)关于约翰尼和他的邻居和精神病患者的细节以及手稿的出处和其他细节没有太多的想法。毫无疑问,小说的粉丝将考虑那种亵渎。它永远不会清楚哪个角色是真实的或假的或撒谎或约翰尼的想象力或精神疾病的产品或其他东西的产品。While inventive, trying to get a hold of a story that is obviously not meant to be entirely understood and one that intentionally asks questions that can’t be answered is not something I could really get into, though I realize it’s probably a matter of personal preference as opposed to an objective flaw. You’ll find plenty of people online who’ve been interested enough to try to wade through it and argue endlessly over which interpretation of events is “accurate.”

甚至更多的元东西,例如一个段落长度(短短短路长短短路)“拼写出”SOS的部分,摩尔斯代码和“house”一词的每个实例都是printed in blue, I can’t even pretend to appreciate. Some people find these discoveries and details delightful; my response is usually “so what?”



