


我有这件事我所做的 - 理论上 - 在我在新的地方旅行之前,我喜欢买一本设置在那个地方的书,在那里读它。你知道,只是为了设置场景并进入书中的地方等。听起来很可爱,对吧?理论上。

What actually happens is, I find a book and pack it in my bag, but ignore it completely since I’m too busy trying to catch trains or take pictures or whatever, and instead it just gets dragged along adding extra weight like some sort of albatross of intellectual neglect. Many years later I’ll (maybe) revisit the book (if I’m lucky). Anyway, so yeah, this was the one I chose when I went to the Amalfi Coast during my bar trip after graduating grad school. A mere four years later, I’ve finally come around to reading it. Cool story, right? Whatever.

无论如何,美丽的废墟位于意大利的阿马尔菲海岸,一个合法的令人惊叹的地方,沃尔特斯迅速将你的梦幻般的梦想场所运送到蓝宝石水域,陡峭的锯齿状和柔和的房屋。Pasquale是一个名为Porto Vergogna的小虚拟渔村的旅店。这是一个古朴的村庄,但除了自己的居民外,这是一个完全未知的,大量被闪光,更容易识别,更可达的城市都包括附近的五彩缤纷。



This isn’t a perfect novel, depending on what your tastes are — the plot is implausible (Richard Burton, who was famous actor in the 50’s, is one of the main characters) and a little all over the place with a bunch of characters and subplots running around different times and places everywhere at once, and there’s kind of an inconsistent tone throughout the book. It didn’t bother me and some probably like that sort of thing. I was fine with it, mostly because I like books that seem to know what they want to say. Whereas some books end up with a ton of characters and too much going on because it feels like the author didn’t know what to do with everyone, Walter’s novel ends up being rather coherent and meaningful in a subtle way.


