


“对困难的迷恋,”偷窃的东西,是首先将读者汲取到Pynchon的小说。“- 偷窃这一点纽约时报评论家偷走了雾气。因此,关于阅读Pynchon的最佳部分是告诉别人你读了Pynchon。以及阅读的最佳部分反对当天是能够告诉别人你读过他最长的作品之一。

Pynchon粉丝是绝大多数男性的,我想象他们很可能是自然的知识和无毫无无情的勇气。它需要奉献反对当天。(Anyone who says otherwise is either full of shit or did not actually read it or some combination of the two, and you should be immediately skeptical of anything they say.) Beyond it’s sheer length, the novel has a purposefully uncoordinated structure, littered with lengthy non-sequiturs and passages describing faux science, and the vocabulary is frequently and intentionally arcane (and in some instances completely made-up). Instead of a cigar, they light up a “panatela”; instead of riding in a coach, they ride in a “charabant”; instead of the meat having bits of cartilage in it, there are bits of “gristle”; it’s not a swimming pool, but a “natatorium”; he’s not a travel guide, but a “cicerone”; the color is not bluish-green but “glaucous”; she’s not an Ottoman slave, but a “odalisque”; it’s not a dry creek, but an “arroyo” — you get the picture. Characters, locations and fake scientific terms and random unexplained proper nouns come flooding at you at an alarming rate, and the novel quickly shifts and turns in its tone, style, narrative and storylines at a rapid click.

我相信其他意见在这种类型的事情上有所不同,有些人发现它被迷人,但我从来没有那种对这种类型印象深刻的东西。我发现它有点令人讨厌。要公平,能够结合所有这些东西,奇妙的人物,文学风格的阵列,宇宙源材料,转移音调,叙述故事情节的混乱,以及甚至作为所产生的缺陷和混淆mixture is, it’s undeniably a difficult task and the final result is at least mildly impressive. It’s indisputable Pynchon is a smart dude (though, I suspect not as smart as he considers himself to be), he’s just not someone I’d want to spend an afternoon with.

公平,小说并不完全没有魅力。I begrudgingly had to smirk at Pynchon’s high-handed version of a “yo’ momma” joke: “…your maternal relations, Suckling, one glimpse of whom should prove more than sufficient fatally to compromise their morale, if not indeed transform them all into masonry–” (Translation: Your mother’s so ugly one look at her is enough to demoralize and turn mem into stone.)

对我来说,阅读这部小说是购买制造鸡蛋的文学等价物。你买他们可以表明你可以,你有钱。同样,您读到这是为了说您可以并证明您的文学街头信誉。我唯一通过这一1,085页的Pynchonian Tome唯一的真正的满足是能够告诉其他人通过1,085页的Pynchonian Tome成功地翻倒的人。此外,我现在知道一个由一个男人(Calamite)归档的男孩的术语。但对于这两个事情来说,任何合理的人应该具有的唯一有意义的回应应该是一个强调的“所以呢?”

